Q: I want to learn how to add etching and carving to my stained glass products. Do you have any suggestions?
A: I think mixing etching with stained glass is a great idea as I discussed here. I haven’t worked with stained glass yet, but have been wanting to learn that also. One good thing about etching on stained glass is that the frosted white areas will be more noticeable because of the contrasting color. The white can sometimes be hard to notice on a clear glass, but when you etch on colored glass gives it a nice appearance.
Feel free to show me some examples if you end up mixing them, and maybe we can feature you in a similar way we did with these two stained glass artists: Joe Dwight & Cara Rider.
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Chapel hill glass I remember watching a video you did using an airbrush that worked well then and still will I have been using candys on etched parts of the glass and it works awesome! stained glass is beyond me, I to would like to get into that aspect of the wonderful world of glass!
Feb06chad Very interesting. I know just about nitnohg about print making or laser cutting. How did you make that original pattern? How long does it take this laser to do it’s thing? What is a solar plate? hah