This featured sandblasting work was submitted by Cheryl.
I thought these were cool and will give you some great ideas! This shows the great variety of items that can be sandblasted. She sandblasted a concrete block which others may call a patio stone, a decorational mirror, pilsner glasses and a shorter glass which might be called a tumbler. She provided the below details:
For the concrete block, I used a rubber resist, 80 grit silicon carbide abrasive, blasted at 45lbs/pressure. The resist cut like butter. Any pressure higher made the details blow away.
The other pictures are examples using contact paper/pencil blaster cut with my silhouette.
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These are great. I really want to move beyond etching cream and blast just coffee cups and glass mugs.
Cheryl, if you’re reading this.. what BRAND/model of pencil blaster are you using? There are several available and I can’t afford to make a mistake and purchase one that’s really not usable.
Thank you!
I use the pencil blaster from affordable suggest you get the carbide nozzle with it you will blast through the ceramic in no time at all
Perfect, thanks Cheryl for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it truly.
It is pretty impressive to see all these different types of keepsakes that have been sandblasted. I am really impressed with how well the blasting was. I would love to get the mirror in my bathroom sand blasted so that it would have a saying on it.
i love any kinda of etching
For me i do mirror etchings doing it with a dremel, something i have never done before, it takes time but looks good in the end. I am trying to see my art and am looking for marketing niches if anyone has any