Decoration Design Etchings
An etching of a decoration design personalized with a floral design to add more class to the glass. You literally can find thousands of decoration designs like this across the web and in books found at the library.
My Journey: When I first got into glass etching, I was most interested in the sandblasting process and was about to spend over $10,000 on equipment advertised by manufacturers. Just before I was about to make the irrationally quick decision, I decided to research other lower cost solutions and ended up piecing together a great setup for at least 90% less. My goal through our ebook and membership area is to provide this information so you too can save, while still etching like a pro. It is my aim that a small investment in this information will actually save you thousands.
An etching of a decoration design personalized with a floral design to add more class to the glass. You literally can find thousands of decoration designs like this across the web and in books found at the library.
Etching a red candle with a floral design as a simple and inexpensive gift to give someone. Basic but meaningful and delightful. Be sure to use a dark colored candle so you can see the etchings.
There are many different pressure blaster pot sizes to chose from, and a lot of people have trouble deciding what size will be best. So, hopefully I can help you narrow in on the right size to fit your needs in this post. I want to first say that I etch for fun mainly, and
A cool video on etching wildlife into glass with sandcarving or sandblasting glass techniques. Also learn how to etch glass with my info manual.
How you can sell more glass etchings and etched glass mugs. Read on to see some pointers that may really help create a easy marketing campaign that helps more than just yourself.
Latest picture of a unique rose etched beer glass. Check it out for more examples of floral designs and roses. You can actually etch them on any glass you want to. Personalization at its best.
More details on glass etching and information in general about basic details with other ways to get into it with things like pencil sandblasters for smaller jobs. Or you can use a inexpensive siphon sandblaster or just use etching cream.
Heres a newer etched glass beer mug customized with the persons name and a unique flower to add a little flavor. Find out many graphic ideas to etch on glasses for a gift.
A discussion about using pressure pot sandblasters and why it is a great method for glass sand etching. Also here are the positive and negative characteristics. You want to etch or sandcarve glass with a pressure pot but don’t want to spend the money? Here is my suggested solution for those people on a budget.
Using a siphon sandblaster is the first step to etching sandblasted glass. It is one of the cheapest ways to start sandblasting glass, but I recommend trying the pressure pot which will be discussed next.