In this post, we feature Derek Phillips of Athens, Greece and his beautifully engraved artwork that he sent in awhile ago. I think this post is quite interesting, not only because his work is phenomenal, but also because he engraves with a unique method not talked about much: hand-scribed engraving
This engraving process is basically done by using a hand-held pen-like tool with a diamond tip that is used to scratch the surface of the glass. As you can imagine, Derek says hand scribing is more difficult and tiring on the hand in comparison to rotary engraving. He says all his work here was done with the below scribe using only two burrs.
Derek shared the below comments about his work:
I have been doing engraving on ordinary glass jars with a simple pen-like tool with a diamond tip as used by dentists. Here are a few examples of recent work.
All I use is a diamond tipped scribe as in the photo with two burrs. I have 3 different rotary tools, 2 electric and one battery but the trouble is that they all have only a small number of RPM (40,000 max) and I find that in use there is too much drag on the bit. The simple scribe is better but more difficult and tiring on the hand. The other problem I have is that the burrs I use are designed to cut at 300,000 RPM and more as they are dental burrs and the way I use them the diamond dust seems to be easily dislodged and they are worn out on one or two bottles.
The below photos show some of his very talented work on jars, bottles, votives, etc.
More scribe engravings of flowers on a votive and bottle, plus an interesting design on a green bottle.
Thank you for sharing, Derek! If anyone has comments or questions, please leave them below.
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Beautiful work of a true artist. To bad I will never be that talent
Awsome work!
really beautiful work!!! would suggest you contact Profitable Hobbies and they can introduce you to straight dental tools who knows you might be impressed as they can engrave on glass metal horn wood all sorts of things and you can also carve with the dental tools as well check them out!!!!
Absolutely fantastic, beautifully done, superb! congratulations.
Great work!!! would like to try that where do you get the pen and bits to try it?
Wow. Very detailed and beautiful work. I like the finished work.
I know how much you must have patience because this is how I do my engraving, l love it this way for the fact of more control, you are very talented and I am glad to see someone else who does it this way, keep doing what you love
This is a beautiful art, I am wery impressed, …
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Von on 7th April asked where I purchased my pen, I wish I could remember as it was many years ago in a hobby shop somewhere in London. Maybe Eric Robert can guide you. As for the diamond tipped burrs these are easily obtainable from any dentist suppliers. Sorry I can’t help further – good luck..
@Von and Derek,
I meant to post this last week, but must have forgot. I haven’t worked with this type of engraving (but I do want to try it), so I don’t know if this is a good solution. You could try something like these inexpensive scribes:
I assume they all work but I would lean more towards those that mention it can be used for glass. These more expensive ones look like they are specific to glass (though they don’t have a pointier tip which I’d prefer):
They are so beautiful, Derek. Congratulations!
Oh my god! You have to be veeeeeery patient to do this.Congrats Derek….Awesome job!
Gum-Golly Truly great artistic work
a few questions for dereck,or chat would fine